
Ph.D Programme


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Research Policy March – 2024

Admission Policy for the Ph.D Program

VMRF‐DU Ph.D Regulations ‐2022

Mode of Admission – Conduct of Entrance Examination Procedure

As per the VMRF‐DU Ph.D regulations Vide Clause No. 5 reads as follows

5. Procedure for Admission

Admission to the Ph.D. programme shall be made using the following methods:
The University will release advertisement in leading dailies/ print media and university websites at appropriate time with the number of vacancies. There shall be normally 2 sessions in a year for registration in April & October for admission. For Nursing it is once in a year in October session. The application form can be downloaded from the university website www.vinayakamission.com. (Annexure I) The filled-in application is to be submitted along with prescribed fee and the relevant certificates based on the advertisement released by the University.

5.1. Admission shall be made through an entrance test / interview conducted at National Level by the university. Those who have qualified for fellowship/Scholarship in UGC – NET / UGC – CSIR NET / GATE / CEED and similar level national tests are exempted from the entrance test but have to appear for the interview. However, M.Phil. full-time/part-time candidates are not exempted from appearing in the entrance examination and interview.

5.2. The other candidates desirous of pursuing a Ph.D. degree shall submit the application in the prescribed form through proper channels wherever applicable, on or before the deadline mentioned in each session/quarter of the year to the University. The application form (Annexure I) can be downloaded from the university website www.vinayakamission.com.

  • Entrance Examination:
    • Written Examination (MCQ type) – 70 Marks
      • Part A: Research Methodology - 35 Marks
      • Part B: Subject Specific - 35 Marks
    • Interview – 30 Marks
  • Qualifying Marks: 50% (45% for reserved categories as per UGC norms)
  • The syllabus of the entrance test shall consist of 50% research methodology and 50% subject-specific questions.
  • Candidates who secure 50% in the entrance test are eligible to be called for the interview.
  • A weightage of 70% will be given to the entrance test and 30% to the interview/Viva Voce.

In the interview, candidates must discuss their research interest/area through a presentation. The interview committee evaluates:

  • The candidate's competence for the proposed research
  • Feasibility of the research at the institution
  • Contribution of the research to new/additional knowledge

5.3. The University maintains a list of Ph.D. supervisors, along with the details of Ph.D. scholars admitted under them. This list is uploaded on the university website.

5.4. A committee constituted by the university/constituent colleges shall determine the suitability of candidates based on entrance test performance, interdisciplinary relevance, and faculty registration availability. The committee forwards recommendations to the Ph.D. section.

5.5. The Ph.D. section will seek the approval of the Vice-Chancellor for the provisional registration of the selected candidates.

5.6. The candidates whose registration has been approved by the Vice Chancellor shall be provisionally admitted to the Ph.D. programme with intimation to the concerned Heads of the Institutions, HODs, research supervisor, the candidate, and the sponsoring institution, if any.

5.7. On receipt of the provisional registration of the candidates, the supervisors of the students shall recommend a panel of six names (Internal & External - each 3) for constituting the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) as per the clause 13 below for their respective students and send the same to the Ph.D. section. The Ph.D. section shall confirm the Research Advisory Committee as in clause 13 below, get the approval of the Vice-Chancellor and communicate the same to the respective supervisors for further action.

Fellowship Policy for the Ph.D Scholars

Selection Procedure Written Test/Interview conducted by VMRF(DU).
Applications for pursuing Ph.D., in VMRF-DU will be sought through an advertisement put in University Website/News Papers. After the last date, the eligible applicants will be called for a written test. The candidates qualified in the written test will be called for interview. The selected candidate will pursue the Ph.D., programme in any of the constituent institutes. The research topic will be decided by the Research Supervisor and student together and it shall preferably in an area of interest to the university.
Who are eligible? Any full time Ph.D., scholars of VMRF(DU) who are not receiving any other financial support/ fellowships.
Fellowship Amount Maximum of Rs. 25000 /- Per month.
Rs.30,000/- Per month (for those who are qualified in GATE,GPAT, UGC CSIR NET etc. in the last 3 years)
Duration of Fellowship 3 Years.
After Review based on the performance the fellowship can be extended for one more year in exceptional situations.
Monitoring Committee Monitoring Committee with following members will review the progress of the full time research scholars for every progress year.
  1. Respective Head of the Institution - Chairperson
  2. Respective Head of the Department - Member
  3. Respective Research Supervisor - Member
  4. Deputy Director (Ph.D. Section) - Convener
The monitoring committee meeting shall be convened at the end of every progress year. The respective committee members and the scholar shall be called for the meeting to review the progress of the research scholar. The scholar shall present the progress of his/her research work for the assessment period. The committee members shall access the progress of the research scholar based on the following.
  • Research publications made by the research scholar in the indexed journals (Scopus/Web of Science/PubMed/UGC Care) during the assessment period.
  • International/National conference papers presented by the research scholar during the assessment period.
  • Research capacity building workshops/training programs/seminars, etc., attended by the research scholar during the assessment period.
  • Minimum 85 % Residential Attendance during the assessment period.
Based on the recommendation of the monitoring committee the continuation of fellowship letter shall be issued by the university to the respective scholars for the every progress year
Contingency Full-time research scholars shall claim contingency amount Rs. 10,000/- Per year.
Penalty for Premature Discontinuation In case of premature discontinuation of the Ph.D. program, the respective research scholar should pay the last three months' fellowship amount drawn by them.
Budget Rs. 65 Lakhs/Year
  1. Ph.D. Thesis
  2. Publications in indexed Journals as per Ph.D. regulations of VMRF(DU).

Constitution of Ethics Board to maintain Research Integrity

The following committee is constituted to ensure Research Ethics in VMRF(DU) in tune with the Office of Research integrity suggested in the Quality Mandate by UGC.

S. No. Name & Designation Position in the committee
1 Dr.J.Sabarinathan, Pro Vice Chancellor,VMRF(DU),Salem Chairperson
2 Dr.A.Nagappan, Registrar,VMRF(DU), Salem Member
3 Dr.S.A.V.Satyamurthy, Director(Research),VMRF(DU),Salem Member
4 Dr.Sarman Singh, Director(Medical Research),AVMC&H, Puducherry Member
5 Dr.N.Thangadurai, Additional Director(Research), VMRF(DU) Member
6 Dr.Reen Rachel Philips, Associate Dean(Research), VMSDC,Salem Member
7 Mr.P.Sivaprakash , Legal Advisor, Advocate, High Court of Madras, Prakash Law Firm, Chennai Member
8 Dr.R.Jaichandran, Deputy Director(Research),VMRF(DU),Salem Convenor

The committee will conduct Periodic Lecturers/Workshops on Research Ethics, Plagiarism, Plagiarism Identification tools etc.,

The committee will ensure that ethics are followed in letter and spirit in all its Research activities including Publications, execution of Research projects (Internally funded, externally funded, collaborative) by the faculty and students of VMRF(DU)

In case of any violations are found by the committee or brought to its notice, it will enquire the same and suggest suitable action against the concerned faculty/students to Vice-Chancellor for his perusal.

The tenure of the committee is three years.

VMRF(DU) Constitution of Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

I. Constitution of Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

As per the UGC Regulations, there shall be a Research Advisory Committee or an equivalent body as defined in the Statutes/Ordinances of the Higher Educational Institution concerned for each Ph.D. scholar. Accordingly, the VMRF(DU) regulation vide section 13 provisions the constitution of RAC as follows.

13. Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

13.1. There shall be a Research Advisory Committee for similar purpose as defined in the Statutes/Ordinance of the university, for each research scholar. The supervisor shall furnish for every candidate a panel of 6 experts (3 internal & 3 external) from well-versed academia, with Research Advisory qualifications in the field of proposed research, from the recognized higher education institutions/organizations. The following members shall constitute the “Research Advisory Committee” as approved by the Vice-Chancellor:

  • The research supervisor (Convener)
  • Two experts selected and approved by the Vice Chancellor of the respective faculty from a panel of six experts (3 Internal & 3 External) recommended by the Research Supervisor:
    • One internal expert from the same department or from other Department of the same institution the candidate has registered
    • One external expert from outside VMRF (DU) institutions (preferably with in a maximum of 500 kms radius of the Institution)
    • The Research Advisory Committee members shall meet the minimum eligibility criteria prescribed for eligible research supervisors.
  • The Co-supervisor, if any.

The Research Advisory Committee shall have the following responsibilities:

  • To review the research proposal and finalize the topic of research.
  • To guide the research scholar in respect of the proposed research work and to identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do.
  • To periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar.
  • To review the pre-synopsis presentation of the research scholar.
  • To act as a member of the Academic Integrity Panel for Plagiarism.

Institutional ethical committee clearance is to be obtained in case of research in Medicine / Dentistry / Nursing / Pharmacy and other areas, wherever necessary.

Constitution of Doctoral Research Committee (DRC) @ Board of Studies (Research)

Since the University is following the centralized admission process for the Ph.D. programs under all faculties, the Boards of Studies (Research) – BOS-Research is constituted at the University level to administer/monitor the Ph.D. program.

Accordingly, the University has constituted the committee with the following members for BOS-Research. The BOS-Research of the University is the advisory board for VMRF (DU) Ph.D. programs and its related matters, and the research activities of Ph.D. scholars under all faculties shall be governed by the committee.

S. No. Name & Designation Position in the committee
1 Dr. Deepthi Shastri, Deputy Dean, VMKVMC&H, Salem Chairperson
2 Dr. S.A.V. Satyamurthy, Director (Research), VMRF(DU), Salem Member
3 Dr. Sarman Singh, Director (Medical Research), AVMC&H, Puducherry Member
4 Dr. G. Selvakumar, Dean, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, AVIT, Paiyanoor Member
5 Dr. Sharadha Ramesh, Principal, VMCN, Puducherry Member
6 Dr. Kumudha Valli R, Professor, VMCOP, Salem Member
7 Dr. B. Neppolian, Dean (Research), SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai External Member
8 Dr. Pushpasarkar, Dean of Health Sciences, Dayananda Sagar University, Bangalore External Member
9 Dr. C.L. Prabhavathi, COE (Emeritus), VMRF(DU), Salem Convener

Policy of Grievance Redress Mechanism of Scholars

VMRF(DU) Ph.D Scholars Grievance Policy


The goal of this policy is to help the scholars be successful during scholar’s course of study. We want to ensure an environment free from harassment and discrimination and to provide the support, mentorship, and opportunities to reach the scholar’s full potential.


This policy is written for PhD scholars. First, this policy is written for scholars who have and/or are experiencing a hostile or unwelcoming work environment. It covers cases where scholars feel that they have been discriminated against or harassed.

Second, this policy is written for scholars who are struggling in their PhD studies. If the scholar is having difficulty finding a research Supervisor, if the relationship with the Supervisor is not working well, or if the scholar feels isolated from peers, they should reach out. If the scholars are worried about a fellow scholar, please contact us. We are here to help scholars recognize the nature of the problem and find a solution. University-level student grievance policy is also written for students who are concerned about their classmates or other students.


This policy covers two kinds of issues:

  • Harassment and discrimination, including on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other personal identity.
  • An unsupportive work environment. This includes a lack of guidance on how to choose courses, find a research Supervisor, formulate and proceed with the scholar’s thesis research, and prepare for their next career step after completing their PhD.


If the concern is not about the Supervisor, we encourage them to talk to them first. If the scholar's concern is about the Supervisor or if they wish to speak to someone else, they have several options:

  • First, they can contact the Official Points of Contact, The Deputy Director Research of the University, Deputy Director Research, Ph.D Section, in person, by phone, or by email at dy.director.research@vmu.edu.in, whichever form they feel most comfortable.
  • Second, they can also reach out to any faculty member or administrator they trust or a PhD RAC (Research Advisory Committee) member, or the Head of the Institution where their supervisor is placed.
  • Third, they can contact the following University Student Grievance Redressal Committee through the following online grievance form: https://forms.vinayakamission.com/grievance/Student‐Grievance.php

University Student Grievance Redressal Committee:

S. No. Name & Designation Position in the committee
1 Dr. J. Sabarinathan, Pro Vice Chancellor, VMRF(DU), Salem Chairperson
2 Dr. Shanmugasundaram R.S, Director (Students welfare), VMRF(DU), Salem Member
3 Prof. Sam Thamburaj. A, Principal, Vinayaka Mission’s College of Physiotherapy, Salem Member
4 Dr. Sendil Kumar. B, Director, School of Allied Health Sciences, Salem Member
5 Dr. Nithya. M, Professor Cum Vice Principal, VMKV Engineering College Member
6 Mr. P.Sivaprakash,Legal Advisor, Advocate,High Court of Madras,Prakash Law Firm, Chennai Member
7 Ms. S. Layasri, CRI, Vinayaka Missions Sankarachariyar Dental College, Salem Special invitee

Fourth, they can reach out to the University Ombudsman:

Designation: Principal (Rtd), Government College of Engineering
Email: drwahidabanu@gmail.com
Mobile No: 9443008886

Fifth, if none of the above helps, they can reach out to the UGC grievance through esamadhan: https://esamadhan.nic.in/

Details about Ph.D Scholars currently enrolled

List of Recognized Research Supervisor

Research Committees

Research Advisory Board


The Research Advisory Board is responsible for formulating the overall Research Policies and guidelines for the university from time to time, suggest the research areas to concentrate and guide the R&D activities in Health Sciences, Technology including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Research areas in the ambit institutes of VMRF(DU).

The RAB shall ensure that the institutional Research Committees are effectively working and promoting Academic, Industrial, multidisciplinary Research in their institute through URC.

The committee shall meet preferably at least once in three months or as and when required.

The RAB may invite the HOI’s and Faculty of VMRF(DU), Industry Experts & Subject matter Experts as invitees whenever required.

The term of RAB is Three years from the date of constitution.

Honorarium, TA/DA and accommodation will be provided as per University norms for other than VMRF(DU) members.

50% quorum is required to conduct the meeting.

Research Advisory Board

S. No. Name & Designation Position in the committee
1Prof.Dr. P.K.Sudhir,Vice Chancellor, VMRF(DU)Chairperson
2Prof.Dr.J.Sabarinathan,Pro Vice Chancellor, VMRF(DU)Member
3Prof.Dr.H.P.Kincha,Former Vice Chancellor,Visvesvaraya Technological UniversityMember
4Prof.Dr.Sabu Thomas, Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi UniversityMember
5Prof.Dr.Rosnah Binti Mohd.Zain,Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Mahsa UniversityMember
6Prof.Dr.Krishna M Sivalingam,IITM, ChennaiMember
7Prof.Dr.S.R.Rao,Vice President (Research & Innovation) , SBV, PuducherryMember
8Dr. Sarman Singh,Director (Medical Research), Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital, PuducherryMember
9Dr.R. Sasikumar,Principal,VMKV Engineering College, SalemMember
10Prof.Dr.S.P.Sangeetha,Vice Principal (Academics),Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Paynoor, ChennaiMember
11Prof.Dr.S.A.V.Satya Murty,Director (Research), VMRF(DU)Convener

University Research Committee


The Research Advisory Board is responsible for formulating the overall Research Policies and guidelines for the university from time to time, suggest the research areas to concentrate and guide the R&D activities in Health Sciences, Technology including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary Research areas in the ambit institutes of VMRF(DU).

The RAB shall ensure that the institutional Research Committees are effectively working and promoting Academic, Industrial, multidisciplinary Research in their institute through URC.

The committee shall meet preferably at least once in three months or as and when required.

The RAB may invite the HOI’s and Faculty of VMRF(DU), Industry Experts & Subject matter Experts as invitees whenever required.

The term of RAB is Three years from the date of constitution.

Honorarium, TA/DA and accommodation will be provided as per University norms for other than VMRF(DU) members.

50% quorum is required to conduct the meeting.

Research Advisory Board

S. No. Name & Designation Position in the committee
1Prof.Dr. P.K.Sudhir,Vice Chancellor, VMRF(DU)Chairperson
2Prof.Dr.J.Sabarinathan,Pro Vice Chancellor, VMRF(DU)Member
3Prof.Dr.H.P.Kincha,Former Vice Chancellor,Visvesvaraya Technological UniversityMember
4Prof.Dr.Sabu Thomas, Former Vice Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi UniversityMember
5Prof.Dr.Rosnah Binti Mohd.Zain,Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Mahsa UniversityMember
6Prof.Dr.Krishna M Sivalingam,IITM, ChennaiMember
7Prof.Dr.S.R.Rao,Vice President (Research & Innovation) , SBV, PuducherryMember
8Dr. Sarman Singh,Director (Medical Research), Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital, PuducherryMember
9Dr.R. Sasikumar,Principal,VMKV Engineering College, SalemMember
10Prof.Dr.S.P.Sangeetha,Vice Principal (Academics),Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Paynoor, ChennaiMember
11Prof.Dr.S.A.V.Satya Murty,Director (Research), VMRF(DU)Convener

University Ethics Committee

Research Ethics Committee

Publication Oversight Committee

Ph.D Notifications

Fee Payment Detail

Fee Structure

Thrust Areas of Research

Programs / Events

Event Date: 2024-07-25


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Event Date: 2021-08-11

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Event Date: 2021-02-19

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Event Date: 2021-01-12

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Event Date: 2020-02-19

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Event Date: 2020-02-10

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Event Date: 2020-01-04

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Event Date: 2020-01-04

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Event Date: 2020-01-03

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Event Date: 2020-01-03

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UGC Circular

The old UGC Approved List of Journals has been replaced with the new UGC-CARE Reference List of Quality Journals (UGC-CARE List).

The research publications only from the journals indexed in the UGC-CARE List shall be considered prospectively for any academic purpose.

For more details, visit: https://ugccare.unipune.ac.in/site/website/index.aspx

Ph.D Section

Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation

(Deemed to be University)

Sankari Main Road (NH-47),
Ariyanoor, Salem - 636 308,
Tamil Nadu, India.

Contact Details:

Email: vmu.phd@vmu.edu.in

Office number : 0427-2529700
Extn. No : 1158