The refund timeline is strictly based on the refund policy recommended by UGC/AICTE and other governing bodies. The Admission office is liable for refund process until enrolment. Once enrolment is complete, the student is advised to approach the respective College / school personally for refund.
for cancellation of admission must be submitted through letter.
refund money will be transferred to the bank account as per the cancelled Cheque leaf submitted. The refund of money will be effected only by RTGS / NEFT.
The date of cancellation will be considered as the date of formal withdrawal of admission.
VMRF (DU) will not be responsible for the change/misrepresentation of account information, as received and confirmed by you.
If all the details submitted for refund are in order, then the time taken to process and effect the transfer of refund money will be 30 working days.
Any request for a refund after the above said period will not be entertained under any circumstances
Any dispute with regard to admission, eligibility, fees, refund, etc., shall be within the legal jurisdiction of Salem only